I Want Media has an interview with Lee Abrams, "the noted music and radio industry executive," who has been brought aboard the Tribune Company as its "first-ever chief innovation officer" at a time when the Trib is hemorrhaging newsroom staff at its various holdings...
IWM: You're known for bringing a "cliché buzzer" with you to meetings to ring when colleagues offer tired ideas. Is it effective?
Abrams: Oh, it's great. It's like a game show buzzer. I used it when I was at XM. Jokingly we said that you get buzzed for every cliché, and if you get three buzzes you're fired. Of course, nobody got fired. But it got people thinking.
Elsewhere in the article, Abrams says his job is "to help everybody get into the innovation frame of mind," says he'll "help this company reinvent the online experience," and states his motto: "Information is the new rock 'n' roll."
BUZZZZZZZ. You're fired.