Regarding my post of yesterday about The New York Times wine critic Eric Asimov (you can read it here), I heard from Asimov again this morning via email. He didn't answer the questions I asked, but rather issued a statement; here's his note in full:
I want to reply briefly to your points.
1. The fact that Vitaly Paley's mother is my younger son's piano teacher
is irrelevant to the story.
2. In retrospect, I probably should not have participated in the wine
event at Paleys' Place.
Best wishes,
Eric Asimov
I'd like to discuss it with him in more depth...especially about his coverage vis-à-vis the Times' "Company Policy on Ethics in Journalism," but he's in France (and blogging about the difficulties with his cellphone), so we'll have to do it via email.
I disagree with his "1." I think it's very, very relevant indeed. And him pulling the moral high ground with the brief reply is basic p.r schtick. He should apologize more fully—please keep dogging him. What do his editors think?
Posted by: Matt Davis | October 02, 2007 at 02:44 PM
Matt, I haven't approached Eric Asimov's editor yet, nor the Times' public editor/ombudsman; I'd like to get a full accounting from him first. He's promised to respond, and I take him at his word.
I've sent him a few specific questions and will publish his replies in full once I've received them.
Posted by: Kevin Allman | October 02, 2007 at 03:26 PM
I agree with Matt and am looking forward to further developments.
Posted by: LGaudin | October 02, 2007 at 06:27 PM
Bad link to your prior article.
Posted by: Jack Bog | October 03, 2007 at 03:39 AM
Good thing he's not the astronomy and science fiction writer. . .
Posted by: metroknow | October 03, 2007 at 10:14 AM
Whoops. Thanks, Jack. Fixed.
Posted by: Kevin Allman | October 03, 2007 at 11:39 AM
Eric Asimov is the son of the late Stanley Asimov, longtime editor of Newsday (a Long Island paper). Stanley Asimov was the younger brother of the late science and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.
Posted by: Isaac Laquedem | October 03, 2007 at 05:46 PM
Please, this is ridiculous, he acknowledges his error and I have looked at the Times ethics policy and find nothing that would clearly bar this type of wine dinner.
As for the piano teacher 'issue', it is totally without merit. As a state prosecutor in a small town who constantly has to monitor my own conflicts and ethical dilemmas I can tell you I have hired and had business relationships with many people who were family members of people I was prosecuting. To say that Asimov should have disclosed who his son's piano teacher is is just silly.
Additionally, as a transplanted New Yorker who lives in Portland metro area I can tell you that everything Asimov said about Paley's is absolutely true and unembellished. It is a consistent and innovative eatery (Vitaly Paley 2005 James Beard winner) that would give any in New York a run for it's money.
Posted by: Squire Bozorth | October 14, 2007 at 11:19 AM
you are totally right about that issue about his mother, is not important and this fact do not influed in nothing in the character personality.
Posted by: xlpharmacy | December 19, 2011 at 11:07 AM