I'm really impressed with Hey, There's a Dead Guy in the Living Room, which not only has a snappy-clunky-funky-memorable title, but also a roster of interesting publishing-world types, all from the world of mysteries:
The idea is to cover every aspect of mystery book publishing, so we've assembled three authors, two freelance editors, an acquiring editor, a publisher, a bookseller, a publicist, a mystery fan (at least one!) and a book reviewer, all in eight people. We'll discuss everything about mystery publishing, as well as anything else that enters our diseased little minds (and if you think I'm kidding about our minds being diseased, read the name of this blog again).
HTADGITLR is only about a week old, but so far there's been something new every day. And I'm looking forward to the second installment from Sharon Wheeler, who's already had a couple of interesting insights about the business of book reviewing.