Well, I didn't think Michael Richards could make things any worse, but I was wrong. You've got to give Mel Gibson one prop: He didn't try to drag Katrina victims into his apology:
"I’m concerned about more hate and more rage and more anger coming through, not just towards me but towards a black/white conflict. There’s a great deal of disturbance in this country and how blacks feel about what happened in Katrina, and, you know, many of the comics, many of performers are in Las Vegas and New Orleans trying to raise money for what happened there, and for this to happen, for me to be in a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, you know, I’m deeply, deeply sorry."
Yeah. If there’s one thing everyone affected by Katrina needed, 16 months later, it was to have a white Brentwood millionaire standing on a stage in Hollywood screaming:
“Throw his ass out. He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! A nigger, look, there’s a nigger!”
(Edited to add: Hi to the folks from Pandagon.)