Journalists love to use forced-coined nicknames for people and things. Sometimes they're funny; I liked the New York Post's revival of the word "canoodling" to refer to anything from making out to sex, and their dubbing of Monica Lewinsky as "The Portly Pepperpot" was cruel but amusing.
Not so funny are all the "Brangelina" and "TomKat" and "Bennifer" constructions. Now it seems that whenever two celebrities hook up, there's a race to be the outlet that coins a nickname for them. (Although "Filliam H. Muffman" is funny, mostly because it's making fun of the stupidity.)
"Mani-pedi" belongs between the pages of bad chick-lit with a pink cover and illustrations of high heels and tubes of lipstick on the cover.
But this morning I came across an article with one of the worst offenders I've ever seen: it referred to pizza as "'za."
Dude, that's just wrong.